Arne Lunde
Associate Professor
Office Hours: Tuesdays 12:00pm-1:30 pm or by appointment
Fields of interest: Cinema and Media; Classic Hollywood and Europe; Nordic Literature and Visual CultureArne Lunde is Associate Professor in the Scandinavian Section and Affiliate Associate Professor of Cinema and Media Studies. His research interests include Nordic cinema, European exiles and emigres in classic Hollywood and Los Angeles, film noir, studio-era film style and aesthetics, and transcultural cinemas of elsewhere.
His book Nordic Exposures: Scandinavian Identities in Classical Hollywood Cinema explores how Scandinavian whiteness and ethnicity functioned in Hollywood cinema between and during the two world wars. Lunde is co-editor with Anna Westerstahl Stenport of Georgia Tech University of Nordic Film Cultures and Cinemas of Elsewheres (Edinburgh University Press, 2019). The volume introduces a new concept to Nordic film studies as well as to other small national, transnational and world cinema traditions. Examining overlooked “elsewheres,” the book presents Nordic cinemas as international, cosmopolitan, diasporic and geographically dispersed, from their beginnings in the early silent period to their present 21st-century dynamics.
He has also published on Ingmar Bergman in the 1940s and 1950s, including the articles “Ingmar’s Hitchcockian Cameos: Early Bergman as Auteur inside the Swedish Studio System” and “Through a Laugh Darkly: Comedy in the Films of Ingmar Bergman” in Journal of Scandinavian Cinema, as well as the chapter “The Story of a Bad Girl!: Summer with Monika, Sexploitation and the Selling of Erotic Bergman in America” in Beyond Swedish Summers: The Breakthrough of Sexuality in Swedish Cinema. Lunde’s articles and reviews have appeared in Journal of Scandinavian Cinema, Film International, Film Quarterly, The Moving Image, Scandinavian Studies, Scandinavica, and Comparative Literature.
His current research explores European identities within the classic Hollywood studio system and the city of Los Angeles as a site of cultural production, focusing on the impact of European emigres and exiles on American cinema, especially the development of film noir as a key genre.
- Ph.D., University of California, Berkeley, 2003.
- M.A., University of Washington, Seattle, 1998.
- Oslo Year Program, University of Oslo, Norway, 1995-1996.
- B.A. University of Washington, Seattle, 1989.
Featured Works
- Nordic Film Cultures and Cinemas of Elsewhere
- Edinburgh: Edinburgh University Press, 2019
- Nordic Exposures: Scandinavian Identities in Classical Hollywood Cinema
- Seattle: University of Washington Press, 2010
Selected Publications
Book chapters
- Fitzgerald in Hollywood: 1938-1939” in Niklas Salmose and David Rennie, eds. F. Scott Fitzgerald: A Composite Biography. Minneapolis: University of Minnesota Press (2024): 371-382.
- “The Serpent’s Egg: Ingmar Bergman’s Exilic Elsewheres in 1970s New German and New Hollywood Cinema. Co-written with Anna Westerstahl Stenport. In Nordic Film Cultures and Cinemas of Elsewhere, volume co-edited by Anna Westerstahl Stenport and Arne Lunde. Edinburgh University Press (2019): 341-359.
- “The Story of a Bad Girl!: Summer with Monika, Sexploitation and the Selling of Erotic Bergman in America,” in Elisabet Björklund and Mariah Larsson, eds. Beyond Swedish Summers: The Breakthrough of Sexuality in Swedish Cinema. Jefferson, N.C.: McFarland & Co (2016): 11-20.
- “The Scandinavian Colonies of Silent Era Hollywood,” in Mette Hjort and Ursula Lindqvist, eds. The Blackwell Companion to Nordic Cinema. West Sussex, UK: John Wiley & Sons (2016): 396-416.
- “Going Hollywood: Nordic Directors in Contemporary American Cinema,” in Tommy Gustafsson and Pietari Käpää, Eds. Popular Nordic Genre Film: Small Nation Film Cultures in the Global Marketplace. Edinburgh: Edinburgh University Press (2015): 230-243.
- “Knut Hamsun on Film in Transnational Contexts,” in Ståle Dingstad, Ylva Frøjd, Elisabeth Oxfeldt, and Ellen Rees, Eds. Knut Hamsun: Transgression and Worlding. Trondheim: Tapir Academic Press, 2011: 265-27.
- “‘Garbo Talks!’: Scandinavians in Hollywood, the Talkie Revolution, and the Crisis of Foreign Voice,” in John Fullerton, Ed. Screen Culture: History and Textuality (Stockholm Studies in Cinema series). Sydney: John Libbey & Co. 2004: 21-39.
Peer-Reviewed Journal Articles
- “Ingmar’s Hitchcockian Cameos: Early Bergman as auteur inside the Swedish studio system,” in Journal of Scandinavian Cinema. 8:1 (2018): 19-33.
- “Through a Laugh Darkly: Comedy in the Films of Ingmar Bergman,” in Journal of Scandinavian Cinema. 4:3 (2014): 255-260.
- “Look to Norway!: The Nazi Occupation of Norway in Hollywood Wartime Cinema” Journal of Scandinavian Cinema2.3 (2012): 299-314.
- “After The Celebration: Thomas Vinterberg’s It’s All About Love.” Film International 9.2 (2011): 20-29.
- “Ingmar’s Hitchcockian Cameos: Early Bergman as auteur inside the Swedish studio system,” in Journal of Scandinavian Cinema. 8:1 (2018): 19-33.
- “Scandinavian Auteur as Chameleon: How Benjamin Christensen Reinvented Himself in Hollywood, 1925-1929.” Journal of Scandinavian Cinema 1.1 (2011): 7-23.
- “Op med hodet: Tancred Ibsen’s 1933 Experiment in Cinematic Modernism.” Scandinavian-Canadian Studies 19 (2010): 56-71.
- “Knut Hamsun at the Movies in Transnational Contexts.” Nordlit: Tidsskrift i litteratur og kultur 25 (2009): 41-52.
- “Politics, Aesthetics, and Afterlife in Paa gjengrodde stier: Retracing Knut Hamsun’s ‘Overgrown Paths’ toward Nazism.” Scandinavica. 47.2 (2008): 175-190.
- “Helga Crane’s Copenhagen: Denmark, Colonialism, and Transnational Identity in Nella Larsen’s Quicksand.” With Anna Westerståhl Stenport. Comparative Literature. 60.3 (2008): 228-243.
Courses Taught
- SCAND 19: Fiat Lux Freshman Seminar: Ingmar Bergman and Woody Allen
- SCAND 50/50W: Introduction to Scandinavian Literature and Cultures
- SCAND 60W: Introduction to Nordic Cinema
- SCAND 141C: The Short Story in Scandinavia
- SCAND 145A/245A: Henrik Ibsen
- SCAND 145B/245B: Knut Hamsun
- SCAND 155: The Modern Breakthrough
- SCAND 161: Introduction to Nordic Cinema
- SCAND 163A/263A: Danish Cinema
- SCAND 163B/263B: Swedish Cinema
- SCAND 163C/263C: Norwegian Cinema
- SCAND 166A/266A: Ingmar Bergman
- SCAND 166C/266C: Carl Th. Dreyer
- ELTS 167: European Identities in Classic Hollywood Cinema and Los Angeles
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