Cisca Brier
Office Hours: Wed, 2:00pm-3:00pm & Zoom by appointment
Fields of interest: Dutch language and cultureCisca Brier is a lecturer in Dutch language and culture at UCLA. See below for Dutch Studies Program information.
About Dutch Studies at UCLA
DUTCH STUDIES AT UCLA is the largest program in the U.S that lays emphasis on both history and literature. Focused on the Netherlands and its global context, we teach courses on Dutch and Indonesian history, art, literature, and language and literature. We even branch out into Belgian history and Afrikaans.
Our distinguished faculty include such renowned professors as Margaret C. Jacob, Robert Kirsner, Debora Silverman, Geoffrey Robinson, and Sanjay Subrahmanyam. Each year a visiting professor from one of the Flemish speaking universities joins the faculty as the Van Dyck Chair. The Dutch language is taught each quarter by Cisca Brier. Various post-doctoral fellows have found a home with the program for various periods of time: Emilio Acosta, Arjan van Dixhoorn, Ruben Buys.
UCLA has a scholarly exchange with the University of Utrecht. Each year faculty from both institutions visit for a quarter, and graduate students can move freely between the two campuses. In addition, Utrecht offers intensive language instruction each summer to UCLA graduate students — a remarkable donation of resources. Ido de Haan directs the program from the Utrecht side and Arch Getty from the UCLA side.
SEMINARS ARE OFFERED in a wide range of topics: the Dutch Republic in the 17th and 18th centuries; its contribution to the Radical Enlightenment; Vincent van Gogh and James Ensor; Dutch engravings of the early modern period; Dutch imperialism, modern and early modern; the Belgian response to its African colonies; southeast Asia as seen by itself and by European trading companies; Indonesia after independence; and of course Dutch language instruction, Dutch literature (both in translation and in the original), and Dutch linguistics. Dutch poets and writers visit, and each year at the endowed Van Tilburg Lecture the University of Utrecht faculty provide lectures on a wide range of topics: immigration and the question of Dutch identity, Rembrandt, and 20th century poetry, to name but the first three of the annual lectures held on the third Thursday in February.
For more information, visit the Dutch Studies website.