Églantine Colon
Office Hours: M 1-2pm & W 11-12pm Pronouns: (They/Them; elle/iel)
Fields of interest: Critical Theory; French and Francophone Studies (19th-21st Centuries); PedagogyÉglantine Colon joined ELTS after holding positions at Duke University, UC Berkeley, and CalArts. At UCLA, they teach French language and French and Francophone literature, film, culture, and theory. Their fields of interest and specialization include Critical Studies, Urban Studies in global, post/neocolonial, and neo-capitalist contexts; aesthetic forms and experimentation. Églantine Colon is also a writer, a co-editor for the academic journal SubStance, and a translator.
Ph.D Duke University
Selected Publications
“The Problem With Breath,” in “Breathe: Special 50th Anniversary Issue,” SubStance, 2023
“Dondog and the Post-Exotic After All,” SubStance 158, vol. 51, 2022.
“Glissements de terrains. Les enquêtes post-militantes de Jean Rolin.” Alison James and Dominique Viart (eds.), “Littératures de terrain.” Fixxion. Revue Critique de Fixxion Française Contemporaine, n°18, 2019.
“Neither ‘Lieux de Mémoire’ nor ‘Non-Lieux’: Toward a Theorization of Precarious Spaces in Philippe Vasset’s Un livre blanc,” French Studies 71.1, Oxford University Press, 2017.
“Securing Form in Times of In/Security. Strategies of Formal Care in Antoine Volodine’s Post-Exotic Literature” English Language Notes. 54.2, Duke University Press, 2016.
Honors and Awards
Humanities Research Fellowship, UC Berkeley
Townsend Center for the Humanities Fellowship, UC Berkeley
Regents’ Junior Fellowship, UC Berkeley
Katherine Goodman Stern Fellowship, Graduate School, Duke University